Engaging the Youth in Fulfilling Church Activities
The Youth Ministry of the New Hope Community Church is a Christian-based youth ministry. Our foundation for all teaching is the Holy Bible. Youth are required to be respectful and attentive to all youth leaders; this includes following all rules established by our pastor and the Youth Ministry.
We encourage all youth to bring a Bible to meetings. If your child doesn’t have a Bible, one can be provided. In addition, we periodically will travel as a group to various destinations throughout New England for church and extracurricular activities. Some of the major events are:
Youth Encountering Christ
This winter 3-day conference draws over 850 youth, chaperones, and staff each January. The weekend is designed to give youth the opportunity to experience Christ through corporate worship, workshops, fellowship, and recreation. This is an overnight event that’s held in Sturbridge, MA.
It is a summer youth camp for students who have completed grades 6–12 (Monday afternoon–Saturday morning) on the campus of Gordon College in Wenham, MA. Teens attend as a youth group and their local church provide the chaperones.
The camp runs 500+ youth, chaperones, and staff. The daily schedule includes age-grouped Bible studies, recreation, afternoon interest activities (sports and ministry related), worship, and fellowship.
It is a leadership development experience for selected high school juniors. Students join together from across the BCNE (Baptist Convention of New England) to form a ministry team. The experience is designed to deepen their spiritual walk through learning about spiritual gifts, sharing their faith story, and developing a spirit of servant leadership.
The three-phase experience concludes with a 10-day overseas mission pilgrimage to the Dominican Republic, Uganda, or a large city in Central Asia.
You can bring a smile to a child halfway around the world! SmilePacks contain needed items such as Bibles, school supplies, and hygiene products. They help us go above and beyond in providing for the physical, spiritual, and mental needs of our children in Africa and the Caribbean.
SmilePacks are a practical way for you, your group, or church to have a real impact on the lives of children in need. It’s so easy! https://cotni.org/smilepacks
The Youth Ministry’s foundation will be established on a set of core values based on the Word of God:
Our children and youth must be confident in knowing that what the Bible has to say is true. By being grounded in the truth, they will be equipped to know when deception or a lie is being presented to them. John 8:44 describes the devil as the “Liar and the Father of Lies”. But Jesus stated he was the “Way, Truth and the Life” (John 14:6).
In an ever-changing world where values are subjective and people’s opinions rule, our youth and children need to know that God’s Word is the true and only standard that doesn’t change. Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever”. And Mark 13:31 states that “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”
Our children and youth need to experience God for themselves and develop their own testimony. We will strive to teach them that God’s Word is real and relevant in today’s society. This fact can only be realized by trusting and depending on God for themselves. Isaiah 55:11 states “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”

We currently have two separate youth ministries:
- Age: 13–18
- Meetings: Second and third Wednesday from 7:00–8:30 p.m.
(1st Wed. is a prayer service and the last Wed. is a worship service.)
- Age: 8–12
- Meetings: Second and fourth Fridays of the month from 7:00–8:30 p.m.